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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 2, 2021 4:00am-4:30am PST

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i don't think that i can, i'm so excited. ♪ ♪ >> it's tuesday, march 2nd, 2021. this is the "cbs morning news." supply boost. americans will get the newest covid vaccine starting today, but the cdc warns you shouldn't get too comfortable yet. third accuser. w she acd at o ars o.vernoro dec noble continues for some peopl is twoeeks after a winter storm. the drastic measures one pregnant woman takes just to bathe and cook. good morning.
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good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we begin with a third approved coronavirus vaccine that will be ready to use today. nearly 4 million doses of the johnson & johnson vaccine shipped out yesterday. it is the first single shot available in the u.s. still, the cdc is out with a warning, urging americans to stay vigilant against the virus. debra alfarone is in washington. debra, this latest vaccine could be available as soon as today? >> reporter: it could be, anne-marie, as soon as it gets to vaccination sites it could be put in people's arms as early as today. you're absolutely right. and this is all coming as t of just as some experts say, hey, we're not there yet. johnson & johnson vaccines could start going into the arms of americans today. >> this week, we'll distribute 3.9 million doses. >> reporter: the new vaccine will help relieve some of the demand. >> we're about to get a lot of
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johnson & johnson vaccines, and it's a single dose. one and done. once vaccinated, you're protected. >> reporter: more than 50 million americans have received at least one shot of the moderna or pfizer vaccines. >> one, two, three. that's it. >> that's it? >> reporter: some states are starting to loosen restrictions on places like schools, restaurants and gyms. >> we're starting to see a little bit of an uptick of people ready to come back, getting vaccinated, all of those things. >> reporter: but cdc director dr. rochelle walensky said americans shouldn't relax just yet. >> 75,000 cases a day, we're not in that place yet. with variants spreading we stand to completely lose the hard-earned advances we have gotten. >> reporter: senate republicans set to release the $1.9 trillion relief bill.
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>> trump reprehensive legislation. >> reporter: no republicans have come out in support of the package which they blame focuses too much on nonpandemic issues. >> they're calling it a rescue package. >> reporter: the house of representatives passed a version of the bill last week. the target date is march 14th. that is when 11 million americans are set to have their unemployment benefits run out. until then they'll be receiving those uninterrupted, anne-marie. >> fingers crossed on that. debra alfarone in washington. thank you, debra. so, cbs news has learned that former president trump and former first lady melania trump got covid vaccinations before leaving the white house in january. mr. trump has not publicly disclosed that he was vaccinated. other public leaders including president biden, vice president
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kamala harris and former vice president mike pence got the shots in public. and new york governor andrew cuomo is facing calls to resign after a third woman accused him of inappropriate behavior. anna ruck told "the new york times" last night that cuomo touched her face and asked to her her after they met at a wedding reception in 2019. the now 33-year-old woman said she turned her head away and was confused and shocked. there are two other allegations against women who work in his administration, jericka duncan has more. >> reporter: charlotte bennett, the second woman to accuse new york governor andrew cuomo of sexual harassment said in a statement, the governor has refused to acknowledge or take responsibility for his predatory behavior. the 25-year-old former executive assistant to the governor claims cuomo asked whether she was romantically involved, whether
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she was monogamous in her relationships and if she ever had sex with older men. cuomo said in a statement i now understand that my interactions may have been insensitive or too personal. some of the things i may have said have been misinterpreted as an unwanted flirtation. to the extent anyone felt that way, i am truly sorry. >> that's not an apology. >> reporter: new york city bill de blasio joined house speaker nancy pelosi and kirsten gillibrand in an independent investigation. >> he seemed to be saying i was kidding around. you know, sexual harassment is not funny. >> reporter: the latest accusations come after another former aide, lindsey boylan, accused cuomo in a blog post of sexually harassing her and creating a hostile work environment. state senator alessandra bell lag ji worked in the house in 2017. >> when a governor of ail state asked a woman if she has sex
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outside of a relationship that is not only inappropriate, it is abusive. >> reporter: governor cuomo denies claims of sexual harassment, meanwhile, he's under fire as federal investigators are looking into whether or not his office light about covid-related deaths in some nursing homes. jericka duncan, cbs, new york. this morning, fbi director christopher ray will testify for the first time since the deadly siege on the u.s. capitol. he will appear before the senate judiciary committee. ray will be pressed on several issues including how the fbi shared ahead of the attack two months ago. a january report from the agency details specific calls for violence including those that suggested protesters go to the capitol ready for war. meanwhile, the senate judiciary committee advanced merrick garland's vote to the senate.
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15 to 7 with all democrats and four republicans in favor. garland's hearing focused on the sprawling probe into the riot at the u.s. capitol. he's now on track for a quick confirmation, potentially within days. finding clean water remains a challenge in jackson, mississippi, two weeks after devastating storms hit. the entire city of more than 165,000 people has not had safe drinking water since last month's winter blast. one woman who is eight months' pregnant goes to her father's house 30 minutes away, fills up on water and boils it back home to bathe and cook. >> i'm due soon, and the only thing that's on my mind is how i'm going to handle it when the baby gets here. it's hard now but i know it's going to be harder by the time my baby gets here. >> there's still no word on when water will be restored in the city. so, coming up, lady gaga's dog walker is speaking out after being shot while walking the
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singer's dogs last week. and sad news, san diego's comic-con cancelled in-person events again. this is the "cbs morning news." comic concanceled in-person events again. this is the "cbs morning news." without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ ser♪na: ask about ubrelvy. ♪ ♪ what if i told you the best place to begin is within. with collagen, that supports our body from the inside, out.
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because when we feel supported from within (whir of treadmill, foot impact + heavy breathing) our confidence comes from way deeper. it's within us. when they're sick, they get comfortable anywhere and spread germs everywhere. nothing kills more viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect. ♪ [ sneezing ] are your sneezes putting your friends in awkward positions? stick with zyrtec. zyrtec starts working hard at hour one... ...and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. zyrtec. muddle no more. take a piece of chocolate if you're the tallest. (ava and olivia laugh) take a piece of chocolate if you're better at eating your vegetables. (ava and olivia laugh) take a piece of chocolate if you love sharing.
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♪ (ava and olivia laugh) ♪ the u.s. senate has confirmed president biden's nominee for education secretary, miguel cardona was confirmed yesterday in a 64 to 33 vote. it included more than a dozen republicans joining democrats and voting for him. the former teacher and connecticut education commissioner says that his top priority will be to reopen schools amid the pandemic. san diego's comic-con has cancelled in-person events and a a top texas energy official has stepped down. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. "the dallas morning news" reports the chairwoman of the top utility regulator in texas has resigned. it comes after massive power outages during last month's winter storm. dion walker, the chairwoman of
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the public utility commission is one of the highest ranking officials to step down after one of the largest failures in history. it left millions in the state without water and freezing temperatures. walker accepted her responsibility for her role in the outages but called on others to do the same. the "arkansas democrat gazette" said a 15-year-old is in custody after allegedly shooting another junior at a high school. police say it happened yesterday at pine bluff. the students were changing classes. the 15-year-old boy who was shot was airlifted to a hospital where he is in very serious condition. the suspect ran away but was found in a nearby neighborhood by a tracking dog. the school went into lockdown after the shooting. a student described what happened. >> somebody got shot. somewhere got shot. then they looked down the hallway, somebody was shot, blood was on the floor. people were scared. just crying, sad. just not knowing what to do. >> police say they believe the
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student who was shot was targeted, but they do not have a motive. and the "san diego union tribune" says comic-con has been cancelled as an in-person event for a second year in a row because of the pandemic. the international comic convention attracted more than 100,000 people in san diego when it was held in the past. organizers say a three-day online experience will take place in july similar to last year. they are planning a smaller in-person event for november but details have not yet been released. still ahead, pizza for breakfast, sounds good, right? a pizza pie topped with froot loops, though? yeah, it's causing a bit of a buzz. a pizza pie topped with froot loops, though? yeah, it's causing a bit of a buzz. . always go for 100. bring out the bold™ alright, i brought in ensure max protein... give you the protein you need
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with less of the sugar you don't (grunting noise) i'll take that. yeeeeeah! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar drink, play, and win big in the powered by protein challenge! needles. essential for pine trees, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an “unjection™”. xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened.
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needles. fine for some things. but for you, there's a pill that may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. xeljanz. an “unjection™”. ♪ oh my easy mountain... ♪ ♪ oh my easy mountain... ♪ more than seven years ago. truth is...'s a cold, fast, crazy world out there. ♪ you've been on my mind. ♪ if you know the right places to go. ♪ you've been on my mind. ♪ here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country.
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on the "cbs moneywatch," twitter is targeting vaccine misinformation. and a pizzeria is sprinkling a classic cereal on pies. diane king hall is in new york with those stories and more. good morning, diane. >> good morning. we'll get back to the cereal concoction in a minute, we'll have to dig into that, hopefully, not literally. strock futures pointed to open after wall street ended in big gains yesterday turning its best daily rally e june. the dow soared 604 points, the nasdaq shot up 306 and the s&p 500 gained 90. >>wi the social media platform began labeling tweets yesterday that included misinformation about the shot. and the strike policy that repeatedly violate rules. the company will continue to amplify the most current up to date and authoritative
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information from health authorities to combat falsehoods. walmart shoppers no longer need to meet a minimum to get items they need in a pinch. the world's biggest retailer dropped the $35 order requirement for express delivery. the service allows customers to order groceries, everyday essentials and electronics. it costs an additional ten bucks on top of the existing delivery charge. the express delivery is available at 3,000 walmart locations. forget about extra cheese, a pizza shop in des moines, iowa is using kellogg's froot loops as a topping. comprised of loopy froots, the breakf breakfast if you want to call it that, the loopy cream includes a sour cream and cream cheese sauce. topped with mozzarella, froot loops and greek yogurt. the pizzeria owner says it's causing quite the stir. anne-marie, all i have to say to that is ew, right?
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i can't do that one. >> no one was asking for this. we already have a pizza for breakfast option. it's called the pizza you ordered last night and eat it cold while you're standing at the fridge. >> fine. we do not need breakfast pizza with cereal on it. no, that is not the fusion we asked for. >> no an adomestic nabominaabom. diane king hall in new york. thank you. >> you got it. up next, the new look at the college admissions scandal. netflix is unveiling a documentary that promises a deep dive into the controversy. to all the people who realize they can du more with less asthma thanks to dupixent, the add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. dupixent isn't for sudden breathing problems. it can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks
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and help prevent severe asthma attacks. it's not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. are you ready to du more with less asthma? talk to your asthma specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. if your financial situation has changed, when they're sick, they get comfortable anywhere and spread germs everywhere. nothing kills more viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect. hi sabrina! >>hi jen! so this aveeno® moisturizer goes beyond just soothing sensitive skin? exactly jen!
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calm + restore oat gel is formulated with prebiotic oat. and strengthens skin's moisture barrier. uh! i love it! aveeno® this is bob minetti and his wife wendy. in 2016, he was diagnosed with he pancreatic cancer. bob participated in a clinical trial that included cutting-edge radiation therapy and surgery. he's been in remission since completion. i am so glad i learned what was possible for me stand up to cancer and lustgarten foundation are working together to make every person diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a long-term survivor.
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visit pancreatic cancer here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. georgia tech, usc, ucla. >> rick singer. >> the mastermind behind the entire operation. >> is there any risk? that's a look at the trailer for the upcoming netflix documentary on the college admissions scandal. yesterday, the streaming giant released its first preview of "operation varsity blues." netflix said it is a deep dive into the methods used by the mastermind of the scheme rick singer. dozens of people were charged in the scandal including actresses lori loughlin and felicity
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huffman who served prison time. the documentary premieres march 17th. britain's prince philip was transferred to a special london hospital specializing in cardiac care. buckingham palace said that the 99-year-old husband of queen elizabeth was moved from another hospital yesterday. officials say he will undergo testing for a pre-existing heart condition and continue treatment for an ongoing infection. he was first admitted to a london hospital about two weeks ago. >> oh, yeah, i think people think it's a bit silly. yes, the concept should be able to get the best care he can get. >> to his birthday, yeah. >> a telegraph. >> yeah, telegraph his wife, yeah. >> the palace says phillip is expected to remain in the hospital until at least the end of the week. lady gaga's dog walker is describing what happened last week when he was shot during a
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kidnapping of the singer's two french bulldogs. ryan fischer posted a photo yesterday. recounting the terrifying ordeal saying it was a close call with death. the video shows two men jumping out of a car, jumping him and fleeing with the dogs. the dogs were recovered unharmed, and police are looking for the suspects. and the mysterious street artist banksy is at it again. a new painting appeared on the side of a former prison in england on sunday. it shows a prisoner escaping down the side of a wall on a rope made of bed sheets tied to a typewriter. it's been drawing onlookers eager to see banksy's work. there's been a campaign for years to turn the former prison into an art center. coming up on "cbs this morning" soccer star abby wambach and her wife be
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best-selling author glennon doyle as they celebrate black history month. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." abby wambach. we do it every ni. like clockwork. do it! run your dishwasher with cascade platinum. and save water. did you know certified dishwashers... ...use less than four gallons per cycle, while a running sink uses that, every two minutes. so, do it with cascade. the surprising way to save water. loves me. loves me not. new neutrogena® skin balancing! 3 made-for-you formulas with 2% pha exfoliate and condition for soft, balanced skin. find the one. neutrogena® imagine yourself in a new toyota. ♪ yeah. ♪ yeah. ♪ with great deals, get ready to turn your dreams into reality. what makes an amazing deal even better?
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how about that every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a two-year or 25,000 mile no-cost maintenance plan with roadside assistance? ready, set, go get your toyota today.
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our top stories this morning, johnson & johnson's coronavirus vaccine could start going into the arms of americans as soon as today. it is the first single shot
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available in the u.s. more than 50 million people across the country have already received at least one covid shot. and a third woman is now accusing new york governor andrew cuomo of unwanted advances. anna ruck tells "the new york times" that cuomo asked to kiss her after they met at a wedding reception in 2019. cuomo has authorized an outside review of the sexual harassment allegations against him. it's no secret that students can't learn very well if they don't have enough to eat. but a high school in sanger, texas, has come up with an innovative solution. here's mireya villarreal. >> reporter: an innovation borne out of desperation during the pandemic. it's a food bank run like a grocery store inside a school. >> if a single mom is leaving the house and tells the kids i'm going to go to the food pantry or i'm going to go to the grocery store, which one has more dignity? growing to the grocery store. >> reporter: he's teamed up with
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principal anthony luck in an art world that offers job skills to students. >> that's the upc number. >> reporter: at this high school, 40% of the students are at or below the poverty levels. teens stock shelves, order supplies and can shop for food based on a point system based on need. >> we give our students opportunities to earn bonus points that they can use to shop in a grocery store for food and supplies for their families. >> and why is that so important? >> it's about building pride and dignity in our students. >> reporter: every tuesday, the store opens up to the entire community. what do you like best about working in the store. >> seeing people smile and how they change. they're not going to be hungry. >> reporter: providing life lessons in retail with respect. mireya villarreal. cbs news, sanger, tax tax. and coming up on "cbs morning news," the covid vaccine
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rollout, how churches are partnering to vaccinate people in underserved communities. but first on "cbs this morning," new data pointing to a decline in births, why it's happening and the impact on our future. and only on "cbs this morning," soccer star abby wambach and best-selling author glennon doyle describe their fight for women's equality as we celebrate women's month. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day.
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